Friday, April 26, 2013

Brandon's Birthday

Today I hopped on my motorcycle and headed down to San Francisco's Lucky Strike bowling alley to meet up with Brandon and his friends for his Birthday party.  It was a fun ride down, I wasn't sure how it would all work out with my motorcycle and being in the city but I was out for a good time!  The bowling was a lot of fun, I bought Brandon his 4th or 5th drink of the night.  I don't think it helped his bowling much as for some reason most of the ones he threw down the alley headed to the gutter!  I ended up winning overall scores- I'm so darn competitive- regardless of points we all had a lot of fun.

After the two games of bowling Brandon chose a bar for us to head to for some drinks and pool.  There was a promotional event by one of the alcohol companies for one of their fire waters so they were handing out fire hats and mustache's.  We took a lot of silly pictures!  This is of me, Jesus and Diego.

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