Saturday, May 18, 2013

Have you seen Shell Beach?

"Today seems like a good day to get on my motorcycle, head south and look for Shell Beach" that was the post I made on Facebook this morning and it's exactly what I did.  Of course, the reference is to the 1998 film "Dark City" where John Murdoc is looking for Shell Beach.  But that is another story.

After crossing the Golden Gate bridge I ended up finding the Lands End park and the Legion of Honor fine arts museum.  I spent a lot of time walking around the park and enjoying the gorgeous views.  The Holocaust memorial was very moving and was a solemn reminder of the travesties that occurred.

The California Palace of the Legion of Honor is quite impressive.  I wasn't prepared to take a tour inside a museum today, so I just walked around the outside and through the courtyard before moving on to my next stop.

Next on my journey I came across Ocean Beach.  It was beautiful and there was so many people out enjoying the gorgeous day!  It was nice walking up the beach and then back again.

After Ocean Beach I headed further south until I came upon Pacifica Beach.  I parked my motorcycle and walked around and to my amazement I found hundreds of people out on the dock fishing for crab!  It was really quite something to see.

After much fun but not finding Shell Beach I thought that was enough for the day.  I met up with a friend of mine in San Francisco for a late lunch early dinner and then headed back up north to Windsor.  I had to go to Windsor because it was race packet pickup for the Windsor Green Half Marathon tomorrow!

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