Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Zombies; Run!

This week I came across a new app for my iPhone- Zombies; Run! Both Trisha and I noticed it being advertised on our Runkeeper pages and we were curious about it. I read the reviews and then decided to spring for the $3.99 app- which is rare for me I generally only use free apps. I'm so glad I downloaded it; I can't underscore what an absolute blast it is!

Today was the first day I used it, for my normal lunch jog. I activated "Zombie Chases".
Your phone starts out with an audio mission- you crash land on your way to a base in a world overrun by zombies. Your only chance of survival; RUN! As you're running, the phone plays your music and after each song you get an audio update. At any point; zombies can "appear" and you have to outrun them by running at least 20% faster than your average pace. If they catch you they will steal any supplies you've picked up along the route. I'm looking forward to the next mission and building up my base and most importantly- Zombies; RUN!!!

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