Wednesday, June 1, 2011

National Running Day

June 1st is National Running Day. I wasn't able to jog with my co-workers at lunch like we would normally do- we all had other plans. After work, I went and got a hair cut, then got groceries. When I got home I decided to go for a jog. I tried to get Emily to come along for a short four mile jog, but she still has sore legs so couldn't go. I started out and ran down a long path behind the house. Then decided to go to the expressway (there are beautiful pine trees all up and down it). Then I thought, well maybe I'll just jog over to Sonoma State. By then, I thought "Well, if I jog further south around the park and then meander back...I might be able to go a half marathon". So that's what I ended up doing, in honor of National Running Day, I ran a spur of the moment half marathon. NICE!

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