Friday, January 15, 2010

Goodbye Boise State Co-workers

Tonight co-workers from Boise State came to eat dinner and talk as a sort of goodbye-dinner. Next week is my last week at the University and I wanted to spend some time with them outside of work. We had the banquet room at Smokey Mountain Pizza & Pasta on Parkcenter reserved. It was so nice seeing everyone and talking about things other than work (mostly!).
It was great that Diana was able to make it with her newborn, Kailee and Ben. Here's a picture of Kris holding little Kailee.

After dinner several of us headed over to Bardenay for drinks in Boise's Basque district. On the way there we met up with Ashley, her boyfriend Casey, Adrian, Andrej and Wes. They had the most thoughtful gift, a picture frame collage of our Cabo San Lucas trip! I'm really looking forward to hanging it up in my new room!

After a couple drinks at Barenday, we walked over to the Balcony. It was so sureal being with my co-workers at my favorite dance club. I can't even remember how many songs we danced to, but it was great fun! The club closed down and we had to go home all too soon.

This was a night I will always remember.

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